A Trip to Paris...

Next week is the hubby's (actual) 30th birthday and I was so excited to be able to surprise him with a trip to Paris. Granted we are traveling standby, so there is a tiny chance that we may to have to route to somewhere else, but I'm being hopeful!

He has never been to Paris. We went to London last fall and that was his first trip to Europe. I can't wait to be able to show him around. I was lucky enough to spend a week (and a birthday of my own) there a few years ago. There really is nothing that quite compares to the first time you see the Eiffel Tower all lit up and glittering at night.

We'll only be there for a few days and we have a jam-packed schedule of sight-seeing planned, but I'm definitely going to make time to do some shopping. We are staying near Champ Elysees so I'm sure there will be plenty of window displays to drool over. I. can't. wait.

AND, I'll also be bringing something back from Paris (or wherever we end up) to giveaway here! Stay tuned next weekend for the details!


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