How I Organize My Sunglasses

I sort of have an obsession with sunglasses. I always stock up when they go on sale in the winter  because I'm guaranteed to break a few pairs each summer! When we moved into our new house two years ago, I was excited to finally have room organize all of my clothes and accessories where I could see them. I converted an upstairs bedroom of our cape cod into a walk-in closet. 

When I was looking for a way to display my sunglasses, I had to think outside the box a bit due to the sloped ceilings and relatively little table top space. I picked an area the wall that wasn't being otherwise used and bought small command hooks (like the ones you use for cords or Christmas lights - I found them at Walmart in the holiday section last year). These hooks were the perfect size to fit the folded sides of the glasses. I spaced them out on the wall and then hung a couple sideways to fit a few more pairs vertically. And voila! An easy way to see all of the different styles and keep them accessible.

Do you have a different way of organizing your sunnies? I'd love to know!


  1. Sieht gut aus. So viele Sonnenbrillen besitze ich leider nicht, da wird man schon ein wenig neidisch.

  2. Thanks Caro! I've collected them over a few years, mostly shopping sales, some of them I even snagged for 99¢!


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