The Blog Workshop {Online Blogging Conference and Something Off My 26 Before 26 List}

Well as fate would have it, I was engaged by The Blog Workshop on a Sverve campaign to try out and review their conference. Yay for something I can already cross off my 26 Before 26 list!

The Blog Workshop offers workshops and learning opportunities for bloggers. It is set up to be an instructional environment and community for bloggers to learn tools to improve their blogging skills (something I am definitely interested in!). They offer a variety of online workshops, including one called "Blogging Laws you SHOULD Know." As a lawyer, I think that workshop would be especially useful. I see bloggers making mistakes all the time with regard to copyrights and disclosures and I think there is a lot to be gleaned from workshops that focus on the legalities of blogging. Here's a brief video introducing that course if you're interested.

They also offer the TBW University, which offers course on design and marketing among others. They've given me the opportunity to review the online recordings of The Blog Workshop 2013 Conference. This is a 3 day conference that helps bloggers improve their blogging abilities and their blog model. I'm excited to take part and will report back on what I learn!

Disclosure: I am being provided access to the conference gratis for providing my honest opinions on the course and sharing this information with you.

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